A plugin that provides a basic reset for form styles that makes form elements easy to override with utilities.
created at Nov. 11, 2020, 10:29 p.m.
Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite
created at Jan. 9, 2023, 3:52 p.m.
A Tailwind CSS frontend preset for the Laravel Framework
created at Nov. 1, 2017, 6:32 a.m.
πππ Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 15 with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript β‘οΈ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Drizzle ORM + Husky + Lint-Staged + Vitest + Testing Library + Playwright + Storybook + Commitlint + VSCode + Netlify + PostCSS + Tailwind CSS β¨
created at July 22, 2020, 7:47 p.m.
Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.
created at Sept. 16, 2020, 9:53 a.m.
A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
created at Oct. 6, 2017, 2:59 p.m.