Like gofmt, but for Markdown.
created at March 31, 2014, 6:14 a.m.
14 +0
796 +0
62 +0
A fast and powerful alternative to grep
created at Feb. 2, 2015, 12:12 a.m.
45 +0
1,602 -2
108 +0
Go tool to modify struct field tags
created at Jan. 9, 2017, 7:24 p.m.
22 +0
2,275 +2
140 +0
A code search tool similar to ack and the_silver_searcher(ag). It supports multi platforms and multi encodings.
created at Jan. 2, 2014, 1:43 p.m.
73 +0
2,811 +0
142 +0
A music programming language for musicians.
created at Aug. 26, 2014, 4:07 a.m.
127 -1
5,622 +6
291 +2
An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language
created at July 5, 2010, 12:13 a.m.
192 +0
5,013 +2
658 +1
A command-line fuzzy finder
created at Oct. 23, 2013, 4:04 p.m.
394 -1
65,589 +181
2,405 +0
Get up and running with Llama 3.2, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
created at June 26, 2023, 7:39 p.m.
585 +3
98,108 +1008
7,805 +82