precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
created at Feb. 18, 2011, 5:18 a.m.
An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
created at Sept. 20, 2019, 1:38 p.m.
Powerlevel9k was a tool for building a beautiful and highly functional CLI, customized for you. P9k had a substantial impact on CLI UX, and its legacy is now continued by P10k.
created at Jan. 29, 2015, 4:36 a.m.
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
created at Nov. 3, 2011, 4:06 a.m.
Terragrunt is a flexible orchestration tool that allows Infrastructure as Code written in OpenTofu/Terraform to scale.
created at May 23, 2016, 10:17 p.m.