elasticsearch-cloud-aws by elastic

AWS Cloud Plugin for Elasticsearch

created at Dec. 5, 2011, 1:41 p.m.

Unknown languages

375 +0

577 +0

181 +0

cform by beaknit

SublimeText plugin for CloudFormation

created at Aug. 21, 2013, 11:27 a.m.

Unknown languages

17 +0

103 +0

34 +0

ecs-cloudwatch-logs by amazon-archives

This repository provides the assets referred to in the blog post on using Amazon ECS and Amazon CloudWatch logs.

created at May 8, 2015, 4:22 p.m.

Unknown languages

33 +0

69 +0

70 +0

amazon-ecs-amazon-efs by awslabs

Using Amazon EFS to Persist Data from Amazon ECS Containers

created at Oct. 1, 2015, 8:53 p.m.

Unknown languages

46 +0

66 +0

52 +0

kubernetes-the-hard-way by kelseyhightower

Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way. No scripts.

created at July 7, 2016, 2:15 p.m.

Unknown languages

975 +2

39,482 +89

13,576 +32

openebs by openebs

Most popular & widely deployed Open Source Container Native Storage platform for Stateful Persistent Applications on Kubernetes.

created at Aug. 1, 2016, 9:33 a.m.

Unknown languages

159 +0

8,722 +8

929 +0

microarmy by j2labs

The former repo of Micro Army

created at Aug. 14, 2016, 4:41 p.m.

Unknown languages

3 +0

0 +0

0 +0

awscli-aliases by awslabs

Repository for AWS CLI aliases.

created at Nov. 25, 2016, 10:13 p.m.

Unknown languages

38 +0

460 +1

87 +0
