ARCHIVED: Token Vending Machine for Identity Registration
created at Sept. 7, 2011, 9:27 p.m.
ARCHIVED: Token Vending Machine for Anonymous Registration
created at Sept. 7, 2011, 9:25 p.m.
Amazon SNS message validation for PHP
created at May 26, 2015, 11:52 p.m.
Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS
created at Sept. 30, 2012, 1:47 a.m.
S3FS-C is a FUSE (File System in User Space) based file system backed by Amazon S3 storage buckets. Once mounted, S3 can be used just like it was a local file system. This project was forked from S3FS ( release 1.59 and being rewritten to be compatible with other S3 clients such as s3cmd, AWS Management Console, etc.
created at Aug. 20, 2011, 7:55 p.m.
Easy way to deploy your git repo to an AWS S3 bucket
created at June 5, 2013, 11:12 a.m.
s3git: git for Cloud Storage. Distributed Version Control for Data. Create decentralized and versioned repos that scale infinitely to 100s of millions of files. Clone huge PB-scale repos on your local SSD to make changes, commit and push back. Oh yeah, it dedupes too and offers directory versioning.
created at Feb. 29, 2016, 11:06 a.m.
Fast, concurrent, streaming access to Amazon S3, including gof3r, a CLI.
created at Aug. 2, 2013, 1:11 p.m.
Samples for the AWS Flow Framework for Ruby
created at Feb. 21, 2014, 8:15 p.m.
gulp plugin to publish files to amazon s3
created at Feb. 3, 2014, 9:32 p.m.
Utilities to do parallel upload/download with Amazon S3
created at Sept. 30, 2011, 5:40 p.m.
Tools for keeping your cloud operating in top form. Chaos Monkey is a resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures.
created at July 6, 2012, 10 p.m.