CLI for finding and managing rules in ESLint config files
created at Nov. 10, 2016, 5 a.m.
🔎 MongoDB best practices rules for ESLint
created at July 27, 2015, 8:21 a.m.
An eslint plugin for disallow side effect at module toplevel
created at Sept. 9, 2019, 10:59 a.m.
Interactive ESLint workflow that lives in your terminal
created at Sept. 11, 2021, 9:13 a.m.
Linter for TypeGraphQL decorators
created at Oct. 7, 2020, 7:51 p.m.
ESLint plugin for John Resig-style micro template, Lodash's template, Underscore's template and EJS.
created at May 11, 2018, 10:19 a.m.
ESLint plugin to disallow the use of 'this'
created at Aug. 17, 2016, 7:59 p.m.
Upgrade warnings to errors
created at Oct. 5, 2018, 9:16 a.m.
ESLint plugin for generating a configuration automatically based on a repository's editorconfig.
created at Feb. 25, 2017, 6:06 p.m.
Prevents leaving comment blocks in the file. This plugin will ignore all comments starting from string global or eslint in order to keep eslint local settings safe.
created at Aug. 26, 2021, 6:04 p.m.
ESLint plugin for detecting unsupported ES6 features in IE11.
created at Oct. 4, 2017, 1:12 p.m.
A ESLint formatter to summarise errors by rules and files using bar charts
created at July 14, 2020, 12:47 p.m.
Prefer class arrow functions to binding in the constructor
created at April 26, 2018, 2:38 a.m.
Eslint plugin for Coffeescript. Full coffee integration (including CJSX format) into eslint, with optional additional rules from (modified) coffeelint
created at Feb. 14, 2018, 3:50 a.m.
Automatically generate ESLint plugin documentation from rule metadata and test cases.
created at May 13, 2020, 4:07 p.m.