LearnOpenTK in stevinz/awesome-game-engine-dev

A port of learnopengl.com's tutorials to OpenTK and C#.

created at Sept. 30, 2018, 11:05 p.m.


19 +0

466 +1

115 +0

opentk in quozd/awesome-dotnet, stevinz/awesome-game-engine-dev

The Open Toolkit library is a fast, low-level C# wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL & OpenCL. It also includes windowing, mouse, keyboard and joystick input and a robust and fast math library, giving you everything you need to write your own renderer or game engine. OpenTK can be used standalone or inside a GUI on Windows, Linux, Mac.

created at Nov. 12, 2013, 1:34 a.m.


148 +0

3,248 +4

633 +1
