vim-mix-format in h4cc/awesome-elixir

Vim integration for the Elixir formatter.

created at Oct. 30, 2017, 7:36 p.m.

Vim script

3 +0

223 +0

13 +0

vim-startify in rockerBOO/awesome-neovim

link The fancy start screen for Vim.

created at April 23, 2013, 2:40 p.m.

Vim Script

40 +0

5,255 +1

187 +2

vim-galore (2) in sindresorhus/awesome

mortar board All things Vim!

created at Jan. 4, 2016, 5:02 p.m.

sunglassesVim script

322 -1

16,500 +13

600 +0
