Skia based 2d graphics SwiftUI rendering library. It is based on Rust to implement software rasterization to perform rendering. 基于 Skia 的 2D 图形 SwiftUI 渲染库 —— 使用 Rust 语言实现纯软件光栅化渲染
created at June 13, 2024, 5:25 p.m.
三体编程语言 Three Body Language written in Rust
created at Feb. 8, 2023, 5:41 p.m.
Skia based 2d graphics vue rendering library. It is based on Rust to implement software rasterization to perform rendering. 基于 Skia 的 2D 图形 Vue 渲染库 —— 使用 Rust 语言实现纯软件光栅化
created at Dec. 31, 2022, 2:10 p.m.