A query batching executor for the graphql gem
created at Sept. 20, 2015, 4:57 a.m.
A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, i18n and more.
created at Feb. 9, 2019, 4:20 p.m.
Example Rails app using GitHub's GraphQL API
created at July 27, 2016, 5:41 p.m.
Use graphql-ruby to expose a Rails app
created at Feb. 16, 2015, 6:56 p.m.
A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. We are using Graphql server and relay for our react component data needs.
created at Oct. 30, 2015, 7:59 p.m.
GraphQL benchmarks using the-benchmarker framework.
created at March 6, 2019, 7:06 p.m.