Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift and SwiftUI
created at June 1, 2015, 8:47 p.m.
Simple QRCode reader in Swift
created at Sept. 29, 2014, 4:03 p.m.
Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift
created at Sept. 16, 2015, 9:44 a.m.
A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
created at Nov. 10, 2015, 6:05 p.m.
Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift
created at Dec. 3, 2015, 3 p.m.
The ES8 Async/Await control flow for Swift
created at May 16, 2016, 3:26 p.m.
Fully customizable Facebook reactions like control
created at Oct. 5, 2016, 8:31 p.m.
An elegant alternative to the UIStepper written in Swift
created at May 2, 2015, 2:09 p.m.